Another Day – Another Dirty Jobs Opportunity…
Orlando, Florida – Mike Rowe, host and star of “Dirty Jobs”, had another dirty job to fulfill in Orlando recently – entertain a couple thousand veterinarians at a corporate event while strung out on flu medication and fighting a fever. In classic Mike Rowe-style, he hit it out of the park! He had the crowd laughing hysterically for practically the entire 90-minute set. Many highlights during the evening, but one of my favorites was when a young boy interrupted Mike’s set for an autograph. As Rowe tells it…“Then, there’s the kid who walked up to the stage in the middle of my presentation and asked for an autograph. Did he have a pen? No. Did he have a something for me to sign? No. So – while I can’t congratulate him for his organizational foresight, his boldness and complete lack of guile gives me further hope for H sapien. Thanks, kid.”
During this time of the year, millions of seniors in high schools across the U.S. are graduating and moving onto the next phase of their life’s journey. Seems like a good time to highlight and quote some of Mike Rowe’s insights and (researched) opinions of the opportunities available to these young adults.
Rowe said there are 5.6 million job openings waiting to be filled in fields that for the most part do not require a bachelor’s degree.
The former “Dirty Jobs” host stated he’s sent letters to both former President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump drawing attention to that fact and has testified before Congressional Subcommittee on closing the skills gap.
“There’s a belief … in the country that we can cure unemployment by creating opportunity,” Rowe said. “The skills gap proves that opportunity alone is not enough to get people employed.”
“It’s a sucker’s bet … You have to be talking about jobs that are uniformly cared about,” Rowe said, referencing many trades where such job openings exist.
Rowe said that taking vocational-technical training out of high school curricula helped accelerate the skills gap, in that it taught “a whole generation” that the best path to success is a college degree. Currently, the U.S. has over a trillion dollars of student loan debt, record high unemployment and three million good jobs that no one seems to want.
“The vast majority of available opportunity right now requires training – not a liberal arts degree, not a four-year education.”
-Mike Rowe
Today, Mike runs the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, which awards scholarships to students pursuing a career in the skilled trades. He is closely associated with the Future Farmers of America, Skills USA, and the Boy Scouts of America, who honored him as a Distinguished Eagle Scout.
In addition to his foundation, Mike’s website, mikeroweWORKS.org, focuses on all the issues related to the widening skills gap, aging workforce, high unemployment and millions of unfilled jobs. It also provides comprehensive resources for anyone looking to explore those vocations, as well as continue to focus the country on the real dilemmas facing our trade workers, miners and farmers.
For those so inclined, you can listen to a new episode of Mike’s Podcast: “The Way I Heard It”, every Tuesday.
Posted by: Scottsdale Event Photographer – TZENPHOTO.com, RobertKeithPhoto.com